Wijk aan Zee: Mine chair

During excavation in 2022 for laying electricity cables from the wind turbine off shore Wijk aan Zee to the coast a few naval mine anchors where brought ashore. These anchors where used during the war to role the naval mines from the ship and subsequently served as anchor for the mines. Two of these anchors are restored and placed on the see side of the Hoge Duin parking lot . 

other activities in the area

Wijk aan Zee: Communication bunker

Hidden on the Paasdal midget golf course is a small communications bunker.
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Wijk aan Zee: Kitchen bunker WN 63

Every Widerstandsnest (WN) was fully equipped. The soldiers slept in a separate barracks bunker and the food was prepared daily in the kitchen bunker
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Wijk aan Zee: Küver 451a

This type Küver 451a personnel bunker was part of the W.N. 122
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Wijk aan Zee: M151 Manschappenbunker

This German personnel bunker type M151 served as accommodation for 28 marines of the Artillerie Abteilung and the Marine Funkmeßabteilung.
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ENG-Wijk aan Zee- 1tm 7

other activities in the area

Wijk aan Zee: Communication bunker

Hidden on the Paasdal midget golf course is a small communications bunker.
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Wijk aan Zee: Kitchen bunker WN 63

Every Widerstandsnest (WN) was fully equipped. The soldiers slept in a separate barracks bunker and the food was prepared daily in the kitchen bunker
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Wijk aan Zee: Küver 451a

This type Küver 451a personnel bunker was part of the W.N. 122
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Wijk aan Zee: M151 Manschappenbunker

This German personnel bunker type M151 served as accommodation for 28 marines of the Artillerie Abteilung and the Marine Funkmeßabteilung.
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