Hoofdkwartier Marine-Artillerie (Navy Artillery Headquarters) Abteilung 205 – The ‘Markostand’

This unique bunker complex was the headquarters of the German coastal artillery at Hoek van Holland. Operations of all coastal ‘Festung Hoek van Holland’ batteries were coordinated from this type M152 command bunker, including the adjacent Vineta battery.

The name ‘Markostand’ is an acronym for Marine Artillerie Kommandeurs Stand (Navy Artillery Command Post). The Markostand comprises, among other things, an observation post from which the sea could be monitored and various spaces for cartography, communications etc.

After WWII, the complex was repurposed by the Dutch military for use during the Cold War.

Since 2004, the Markostand complex’s various larger bunkers have been cleared and made accessible by volunteers of the Atlantic Wall Museum. The connecting underground passageways are unfortunately not open to the public.

There is not so much light in the bunker, so make sure to bring your torch. Sturdy shoes and clothing you don’t mind getting dirty are also recommended.

other activities in the area

Bunker Bremen

This munitions bunker is part of the German Vineta battery and is currently home to the Nederlands Militair kustverdedigingsmuseum (Dutch Military Coastal Defence Museum).
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Bunker Hamburg

The bunker is still in its original condition, so you will enter a real time capsule.
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Exhibition Atlantic Wall maps

This exhibition features reproductions of unique topographical and thematic map material that was used by the German armed forces during the Second World War for the planning and construction of the Atlantic Wall.
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ENG- Hoek v Holland- Markostand

other activities in the area

Bunker Bremen

This munitions bunker is part of the German Vineta battery and is currently home to the Nederlands Militair kustverdedigingsmuseum (Dutch Military Coastal Defence Museum).
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Bunker Hamburg

The bunker is still in its original condition, so you will enter a real time capsule.
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Exhibition Atlantic Wall maps

This exhibition features reproductions of unique topographical and thematic map material that was used by the German armed forces during the Second World War for the planning and construction of the Atlantic Wall.
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