The Widerstandsnest 53 complex, to which these three bunkers belong, formed the northwestern Sperre access point to the Festung Hoek van Holland. Various types of bunkers can be found in the immediate vicinity. For example, to the east of the N211 is a residential area built on several small mounds that hide 3 barracks bunkers, 2 munitions bunkers and a kitchen/mess hall combination.
A type 501 barracks bunker and kitchen bunker can be visited in the tea garden at the Intratuin garden centre. Hidden further towards the back of the tea garden is a type 676 cannon bunker. Volunteers of Fort aan den Hoek van Holland Foundation will be available during your visit to provide detailed information about all the bunkers.
De Verborgen Grens is an educative film about the German-made coastal defence system in The Netherlands. The film includes footage that has never been screened before and photos from private collections and archives. Duration: 20 minutes.