Type bunker: Bunker in its original condition

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Bunker 623

These bunkers are constructed bombproof with walls and roofs of at least 2 meters thick reinforced concrete. A total of 6 examples of this type have been built along the Landfront.

Tigerstelling: G33 Küver 467L

The G33, a Kuver 467 L, was an officer’s bunker during the Second World War and has recently been excavated. We have left this bunker as we found it, providing a good impression of its original appearance.

Bunkercomplex Hoeverweg

This bunkercomplex was built during World War II by the German occupiers as a defensive point for the former Bergen airfield used by them. The complex is located south of the airfield, and currently, 13 structures remain.

Kuvertype 450a

An extra bunker will be opened especially for Bunker Day, a residential bunker of the Kuver type 450a. Several short films of the daily life of the Egmond residents during the war are shown in the bunker.

Bunker Hamburg

The bunker is still in its original condition, so you will enter a real time capsule.

Observation bunker type 143

The observation bunker had a 20-tonne armoured-steel observation dome integrated into the roof. The surrounding area could be viewed using a periscope in the dome.

Küver 413a

this bunker at Bunkercomplex Overvoorde in Rijswijk was room for 12 men. The bunker was divided into 2 rooms, the day room and the night room.

SK Betriebstand

This large bunker at Bunkercomplex Overvoorde is referred to as type S.K. This means that the bunker was not a standard design and therefore probably designed for this location.

Sperre Arendsduin bunkers

The Widerstandsnest 53 formed the northwestern entrance (Sperre) to the Festung Hoek van Holland. The three bunkers that you can visit are: Manschappenbunker 501 & Gun bunker 676 & Kitchen bunker.

De Punt: Water bunker

A bunker containing an artesian well that served as the water supply for the complex. The so-called source (brunne) with filter installation.

De Punt: Machine Gun Bunker

The bunker is a schwere mg Rinständ or Tobruk bunker for a heavy machine gun. On the edge of the bunker turned a gun mount on which a mg 311 (f) was mounted.

De Punt: Searchlight garage and bedding

The fourth bunker is built against the air raid shelter and consists entirely of masonry. In this garage (depot) a searchlight and the associated generator, which provided the power supply, were stored.

De Punt: Observation bunker

The first bunker we find in De Punt is an observation bunker, also called a Leiche MG Ringstände bunker. This reinforced concrete battle area has a round or octagonal hole at the top includinh a gun carriage. A

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