Excursion to the ‘Batterie’
Under the guidance of a guide, you can participate in an excursion to the Batterie position on Schiermonnikoog for the day. This position was the major artillery position on the island during World War II.
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Under the guidance of a guide, you can participate in an excursion to the Batterie position on Schiermonnikoog for the day. This position was the major artillery position on the island during World War II.
Location: Bunkermuseum Schlei
The museum has been able to purchase an aggregate, the same type that stood and was used in the bunker during WWII.
The Germans built a bunker on the highest dune on the island for a radar. A radar system (the ‘Wassermann’) was to be installed on top of the bunker, constructed from a steel cylinder, approximately 40 meters high.
This bunker contained the ammunition for the anti-aircraft weapons. You can still see the original camouflaging on the outside walls.
Between the bunkers in the Goetlijfpark you will find re-enacmtent of the 2nd Kompanie Gebirgsjäger Regiment 100. They show how the originally Austrian Gebirgsjägers lived.
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