Regelbau 502 Doppelgruppenunterstand

Zoutelande’s defence consisted of two constructions named after the Meistersinger and Lohengrin operas made by composer Richard Wagner. There is a type 502 barracks bunker and a type 143 observation bunker in the dunes of Zoutelande, part of the ‘Stützpunkt Lohengrin’. The Zoutelande Bunkermuseum is located in both bunkers.

The staff accommodation’s official name is ‘Regelbau 502 Doppelgruppenunterstand’. It was intended for 20 soldiers. The walls and roof are two metres thick, making this bunker able to withstand the bomb impacts.

other activities in the area

Bunkermuseum Zoutelande

There is a type 502 barracks bunker and a type 143 observation bunker in the dunes of Zoutelande, part of the ‘Stützpunkt Lohengrin’. The Zoutelande Bunkermuseum is located in both bunkers.
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Observation bunker type 143

The observation bunker had a 20-tonne armoured-steel observation dome integrated into the roof. The surrounding area could be viewed using a periscope in the dome.
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other activities in the area

Bunkermuseum Zoutelande

There is a type 502 barracks bunker and a type 143 observation bunker in the dunes of Zoutelande, part of the ‘Stützpunkt Lohengrin’. The Zoutelande Bunkermuseum is located in both bunkers.
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Observation bunker type 143

The observation bunker had a 20-tonne armoured-steel observation dome integrated into the roof. The surrounding area could be viewed using a periscope in the dome.
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